The Light Aircraft Company Ltd, Hangar 4 Little Snoring Airfield, Little Snoring Norfolk NR21 0JL Tel 01328 878809 E mail
The Clipper is a Dacron fabric covered high wing monoplane with conventional tail plane and a fixed undercarriage. The seating is two-place, side by side and the controls are 3 axis.
Flying Controls: The cockpit is equipped with controls to fly the aircraft form either the left or right seat. The central control stick is accessible form either seat, both foot wells are fitted with rudder pedals and there are two throttle levers from the instrument panel. The rudder pedals are mechanically linked to the nose wheel for ground steering.
Electrically actuate flaps are controlled from a centrally located switch with an indicator to report position. Pitch trim is also electrically actuated and controlled by a toggle switch with an adjacent indicator for displacement.
A finger operated brake lever is fitted on the control stick for the main wheel parking brakes.
Engine Controls: The throttle, choke and magneto switches are mounted on the instrument panel. The throttle control sense is conventional opening with a forward rotation and the magneto switches are up for on.
The choke is unconventional for an aircraft as it requires to be pulled for “on”, cannot be locked “on” and will retract when let go to ensure the mixture returns to normal.
Other Equipment. Conventional four-point harness restraint for each occupant. The lap strap provides the lateral and fore/aft restraint whilst the shoulder straps provide torso slump and vertical security. It is recommended that lap strap tension be adjusted first, followed by the tensioning of the shoulder webs. The shoulder straps are worn at all times for maximum security. A central buckle secures the harness and a lifting action releases the harness in the event of an emergency or standard egress.
The aircraft has been cleared for General Handling up to 60º angle of bank and slow speed flight including stalling. The aircraft is not cleared for spinning or aerobatic manoeuvres and is subject to the following limitations:
Day VMC conditions, within sight of the surface.
Certified to a “permit to fly” standard.
Use for aerial work, other than flight instruction only
Certified to a UK only standard; permission may be required from other host countries for over flight etc.
May not be flown above 10,000ft standard pressure altitude.
Maximum of 2 occupants
Flight load factors:
+4g at Va
+4 / -1.5g at Vne
Never exceed speed (Vne) 146mph IAS
Design manoeuvring speed (Va) 104mph IAS
Flap limiting speed (Vf) 82mph IAS
Stall speed, flaps deployed 42mph IAS
Stall speed clean 44mph IAS
Aileron, elevator and rudder limitations:
Cross wind limit 20mph
All directions 30mph
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